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About us


“IMMOTIV” is the dream come true of manager Gergana Alexandrova for boutique service with attention to every detail, from start to finish.

After gaining experience as a sales consultant, for a period of 7 years, in which she also does analysis, draws her vision and methods of work, arranges the complex puzzle of a multi-layered and extremely serious profession, and another year or so to discover and create the name and the office of the agency, April 1, 2021 is coming, the day when, no joke, our cozy work corner opens its doors to its clients and partners.


The agency has a compact team that strives to maintain the highest level of service. Our goal is not quantity, but qualitative transactions with a positive ending and satisfied customers. Because we are aware that there is no better advertisement than a hot recommendation. On our site, as well as on the platforms, you will not see dozens of pages with ads – we only publish properties for sale and rent expressly provided to us by the owners. And since we are based in Varna, we are pleased to welcome guests for short-term vacation or business trips. Our properties in this sector have a high standard of furniture, equipment and are cleaned with organic preparations and equipment to satisfy the majority of users. And because we are aware that the real estate trade is accompanied by consultations with professionals with intimate knowledge of the field, the agency partners with a law firm as well as with a freelance lawyer who have proven their capacity for opportunities in cases, drafting contracts, checking of the property and the owner. Part of their services are included in the commission fee.


Гледайки напред в бъдещото и осъзнавайки необходимостта от услугите на геодезисти, не само при покупка или продажба на имот, а и в това собствения Ви такъв да бъде изряден документално, ИММОТИВ вече е и Правоспособно лице в агенция по геодезия, картография и кадастър, като за целия пакет от услуги които предоставяме в тази си част от дейността ни, може да се запознаете в раздел ….


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